Monday, August 30, 2010

Hellyer Birthday Party

As most of you know, every year we (the Hellyers) have 1 Birthday Party for all the nieces and nephews so here is this years. I didn't take a lot of pictures because with 2 kids and trying to keep the party rolling it's hard. Next year I just might ask one of the teenagers to run around and take pictures and video for me. Oh it was the teenagers that took these for me - but I didn't ask them until late and when the games were over, they were done with that. LOL We had a great time and played a few games.

Swim relay

Boys (my Brothers) potato sack race - Where is Rob? He didn't race? Maybe he is too cool to do the sack race. Oh but he did the swim race. :)

Sorry that's all the pictures of the party that I have. I need to see if my sister in-laws will give me a copy of what they took.

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