Monday, August 30, 2010

First day of school

Fisher started Kindergarten this year. So here is how the first day went....he was excited and so was I. We got dressed and brushed his teeth and made his hair stiff. LOL Grabbed his lunch box and back pack and off we went. John and I walked him in and he sat down on his class line. They have all the Kindergarten classes sit in the same area and each class has their own line to sit on until school starts. Fisher gave me a kiss and we left. No tears yet. All day I watched the clock, is it time to get him? The day went by slow. Then I picked him up. He didn't really have much to say about school. I had to pull information out of him. Second day - get up, eat breakfast, wash up, brush teeth (didn't stiffen hair -means we didn't make it nice like a little boy) grab lunch and backpack. I still had to pull info out of him when I picked him up about what they did that day. I guess either it was just like Pre K or he was not impressed about what was going on. On the 3rd day I let him walk in on his own, and then I got a little teary eyed to know he is big enough to walk to his class alone. So we are starting the 2nd week now and I hope he is having fun and learning a lot. I only took 2 pictures on the first day. He wanted to take a funny face and a nice face. Sorry to say, the nice face picture was blurry. Then he wanted to take my picture. :)

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