Monday, August 30, 2010

Deer Trailer!!!!

John got a new trailer for the deer lease. Much bigger than the other one. Now all 4 of us can go and have a place to sleep. :) Here are a few pictures.



First day of school

Fisher started Kindergarten this year. So here is how the first day went....he was excited and so was I. We got dressed and brushed his teeth and made his hair stiff. LOL Grabbed his lunch box and back pack and off we went. John and I walked him in and he sat down on his class line. They have all the Kindergarten classes sit in the same area and each class has their own line to sit on until school starts. Fisher gave me a kiss and we left. No tears yet. All day I watched the clock, is it time to get him? The day went by slow. Then I picked him up. He didn't really have much to say about school. I had to pull information out of him. Second day - get up, eat breakfast, wash up, brush teeth (didn't stiffen hair -means we didn't make it nice like a little boy) grab lunch and backpack. I still had to pull info out of him when I picked him up about what they did that day. I guess either it was just like Pre K or he was not impressed about what was going on. On the 3rd day I let him walk in on his own, and then I got a little teary eyed to know he is big enough to walk to his class alone. So we are starting the 2nd week now and I hope he is having fun and learning a lot. I only took 2 pictures on the first day. He wanted to take a funny face and a nice face. Sorry to say, the nice face picture was blurry. Then he wanted to take my picture. :)


We have a family party every other month for the Reid side of the family. Here are a few pictures. This was this weekend.

Iowa/Illinois Trip

The first week of August we went to visit family in Iowa and Illinois. The kids were good on the plane and 3 hour car ride to my sisters house. We visited a lot of family and went to Threshers (Fisher insist it is called Flashers) and also a family reunion on my moms side (Dowdalls) on our way to the airport our last day. John was a good husband to tag along and visit family.

Threshers is a fair they have every year with antique tractors, crafts, food, old school houses and tractor pulls. Fisher did the kids pedal tractor pull - I will have to post those pictures later; they are on Johns laptop. He had a good time and Uncle Kenny gave him money as incentive to pedal hard. Fisher bought Ice Cream with it and rode the train a few more time. The weather there was great!! One morning it was 68 when we woke up. Can you believe that Texas? Thanks to everyone that feed us, made time to visit and gave us a place to sleep.
Lots of tractors! Uncle Kenny

At the airport on our way there. Gracies first Thanks Cousin Doris for the ice cream. I
flight. think this was bowl #2 that day.

Outfit Aunt Renee and Uncle Ken gave her. Uncle Pete, me, Gracie and my Great Aunt Leota
she is 101 years old. :)

Shirt Aunt Renee and Uncle Ken gave Fisher.

More presents from Aunt Renee and Uncle Ken.
The kids got nice things from other Aunts and Uncles while we were there. It was like another Birthday party. :)

Hellyer Birthday Party

As most of you know, every year we (the Hellyers) have 1 Birthday Party for all the nieces and nephews so here is this years. I didn't take a lot of pictures because with 2 kids and trying to keep the party rolling it's hard. Next year I just might ask one of the teenagers to run around and take pictures and video for me. Oh it was the teenagers that took these for me - but I didn't ask them until late and when the games were over, they were done with that. LOL We had a great time and played a few games.

Swim relay

Boys (my Brothers) potato sack race - Where is Rob? He didn't race? Maybe he is too cool to do the sack race. Oh but he did the swim race. :)

Sorry that's all the pictures of the party that I have. I need to see if my sister in-laws will give me a copy of what they took.