Tuesday, May 25, 2010


She's growing up.

Fisher's Preschool Carnival

Fun day at school today. They had a pony ride and some little games for the kids to play and ended the fun with a picnic lunch on the playground.
Getting ready to ride the horse - everyone who rides a horse needs a cowboy hat. :)

Face painting - its a spider!!!!!

Fisher's teacher - Mrs. Susan

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Easter Bunny came, Fisher hunted eggs we went to Church. Then after church went to lunch with my family. After lunch went to John's cousins to celebrate with his family. Busy busy day.

Getting Started

Today is the first day to blog.

Fisher's Pre School picture. 4 1/2 years old. The last day of school is.......not soon enough. Fisher has learned a lot and so have I. Like I might want to get a job at the school because I will be there for parent teacher conferences anyway so I should get paid. ha ha